Saturday, September 8, 2007

OuR boY Turn TWO!!

Our QAIS AMIIR ABQARI turn TWO!! Alhamdulillah ... Happy Bufday to yok! (As he pronounce it). Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Happy birthday to youu!! ...
Feels like it was only yesterday that i first hold his warmth body, reach his tiny little fingers ... first feeling of fatherhood. Seeing him seeing me for the first time. Fatherhood is beyond words.

Today Qais Amiir is 2 years old (THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE POSTED ON THE 6TH BUT BABAH WAS AWAY WORKING! PATHETIC!). He is our world, our source of spirit and courage, he is every bit and every inch the love and joy of our life. He is our strength when we are weak, he makes us smile when we sad, he lift us when we are down ... Words are just too limited to describe ... he is everything :) ...


Unknown said...

appey besday dak qais!!! ehehe..
akak ninie suke tgk adik dah besharrr.. ehihihihhihhi...! poyo jek

Unknown said...

Hahahaha ... aci ker panggil akak??
Kira ni kena betulkan status ni ... auntie! ye ... correction pls.

AbuQais : Masih tak faham kenapa apza dipanggil 'uncle shoe' oleh Qais

UmmiQais@iKa said...

hehhh? akak ninie??? ohhh tidakkk..memang kena betolkan status nih...

I tau knaper Qais panggil Apsa 'uncle shoe'...coz ingat tak masa kita pick up apza nak pi bali kat umah kakak apza tuh? masa tuh apza masuk umah balik coz nak tukar pakai kasut coz dia pakai slipar time tuh..pastuh Qais tanya: Uncle tuh nak pi maner tuh???
UmmiQais jawab: Uncle tuh nak pi pakai shoe..

I rasa sebab tuh dia ter-register apza as 'uncle shoe'

jgn marah erk apza...unik apa nickname baru ko....hihihiihih

Lenny said...

hahahhaha.... cute nyer uncle shoe..

anyway.. eppi besday dear...
sorry untie tak celebrate besday awak... untie masuk ward.. kene operate.. bebetul ari qais nyer besday... sorry ye sayang..

nanti untie bg present awak yer..
bleh pakai raya!

Unknown said...

uncle shoe..? ya Allah.. uniknyeeeeeeeee....
heheh.. anyway, ada orang bitau.. selagi takder anak aku masih boleh dipanggil kakak .. keh keh keh keh..!!

tu orang ckp.. bukan i tauu!!! tak cayer tanye orang tu... :)