Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sisterhood Award - TQ Lenny!

Since start blogging nih...tak pernah laa aku dpt award...tahun nih dgn best nyer Lenny telah memberi 'Sisterhood Award' nih...TQ Lenny for the award!!..muah..muah...muah..

we all kenal each other kat MMU coz masatuh bf masing2 duk satu umah(bf=dah jadik hubby masing2)...we share up & down together..almaklumlah..zaman cintan cintun..byk dugaan & cabaran...betul tak Lenny? hehhheh

The rules:
*Place the award logo on your blog.--> done
*Nominate 10 other blogs which show "Attitude and/or Gratitude"-->takbleh pikir skang nak nominate saper lagik...
*Link to the nominees on your blog post.-->sama jawapan seperti di atas
*Comment on their blog that you have nominated them.
-->sama jawapan seperti di atas

*Share the love and link to the person who nominated you--> done

1 comment:

Lenny said...

you're most welcome sis..

ha ah.. byk giler dugaan dan cabaran...

alhamdulillah.. we are now mommies to our lovely son and daughter kan? syukur atas kurniaan Allah..

btw, petua aku bg arituh tuh.. ko amalkan la ari2.. takyah tunggu bersalin pon takpe... :)

take care... miss u much..!